Search Engine Submission - AddMe Red Palm Weevils: September 2011

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Enjoying a Spanish Evening under the umbrella of a Canary Palm

The other day I received a lovely email from a lady who has 2 mature palms in her garden. They were riddled with palm weevils a year or so agao. I am so pleased to have been able to help keep some of these majestic palms alive! I hope that soon there may be a longer term and more environmentally friendly solution to this problem.

'Sorry I missed you both on your last visit wasn't feeling so good
Well I got sentimental the other night or it could have been a drink or two too many I was sitting outside very late enjoying the night air and the rustle and swaying of the palm trees, and I thought of you both and felt an overwhelming urge to thank you for rescuing them Our patio would never be the same without them, so just a Simple Thank You to you both'
Fondest wishes
Sue Arthur '

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